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Paul Schaal, Chiropractic Doctor


Paul Shaal, baseball player

Dr. Schaal has had his office for over 20 years after a successful career playing for the Kansas City Royals for many years. Some immigrants know about chiropractics from the book "Fourth Vertebra," in which this medical profession was ridiculed. On the other hand, many immigrants are going to chiropractics and are very satisfied.

There are good and not-so-good doctors, which is true of any profession. Dr. Schaal belongs to the club of good doctors.

Chiropractic doctors healing problems and ailments related to the spine. In many cases they can help reduce pain even if they cannot heal the problem completely. Chiropractics, like any doctors, should be very careful if they do not want to cause health damages. Dr. Schaal is a very careful doctor.

Not long ago, many insurance companies refused to pay for chiropractic services. Nowadays, insurance companies accept payment.

Dr. Schaal would not treat a patient and charge for his services if the ailment can be treated more successfully by traditional medicine and would recommend coming back only if complicated and not very efficient surgery would be recommended. He is a doctor who is very friendly, listens to patients attentively, and gives complete explanations.

Dr. Schaal has a beautiful office where you feel yourself very comfortable while waiting for a checkup or any procedure.

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